Photo Gallery

Islamic Museum Excursion 2016

Br Ramzi

Br Ramzi of IMA keeping the kids enthralled..

2016-07-30 12.11.22

2016-07-30 12.11.22

Some of the kids enrolled at Islamic Weekend School who attended the Excursion to the Islamic Museum of Australia.

2016-07-30 13.32.40

Blue Mosque in Turkey. also known as Sophia Mosque..

2016-07-30 11.59.36

An excellent view of Mecca and the Kaabah.

2016-07-30 13.30.272016-07-30 13.29.372016-07-30 13.29.30


Students of 2015


2015-06-14 11.35.56 2015-06-14 11.36.01 2015-06-14 10.44.31 2015-06-14 09.56.41 2015-06-14 09.56.32